Nate's posting involves far more than saving historical aircraft. In my 49 years as an Amateur Radio Operator and 40 years as a pilot including military and commercial flying and teaching professional aviation at major university, I have found that many hams are pilots or at least use and enjoy small aircraft from time to time. I think this issue does apply to many on this board.
General aviation is hanging on by its fingernails, and there are tax and regulatory measures being considered that will affect not only the large aircraft but also regulate and tax even the small aircraft that many of us enjoy. These measures will further hobble an economically vulnerable but vital industry. Aviation is always the first to feel an economic downturn and the last to recover, but when draconian security measures are added to the stress, the matter is serious. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) has a very competent website where you can keep up with these issues in an informed, objective and unemotional way (www.aopa.org).
Leroy Stenzel, W5VG AMSAT #2916