Hello PSGS users,
I recommend that you delete the "directory.db" file for Falconsat-3 to start with a clean directory. This seems to be the safest and easiest fix for the restart/reload/renumbering of the files on the spacecraft. It's in a PSFS folder in the Documents folder---dig a bit, you'll find it...
The good news--this is an easy fix! Just be sure to exit PSGS before deleting the file...learned that the hard way ;) And the bird seems to be humming right along...
Have fun--
Mark L. Hammond [N8MH] AMSAT Director and Command Station
On Sun, Jun 27, 2021 at 2:15 PM Mark Hammond [email protected] wrote:
Hi Folks,
Falconsat-3 seems to be good shape, and the reloading of the software went "better than expected." As of 1750utc 27 June 2021, it's back in business and open for use. The digitpeater function is turned ON, so that should be working again, too.
Users of Pacsat Ground Station (PSGS) should consider "directory archiving to 0 headers" as a quick trick to clear out the old directory information. After a crash and reload like this, the files start over again at the beginning (like file number 100). Also, you might see your station requesting files that no longer exist. That should eventually clear itself, but you may need to manually tell PSGS to not download the old files you had queued up to get before the crash.
The bird was last reloaded like 3.5 years ago! That's an amazing record of stability from an impressive bird. Tilt of the hat to Jim White WD0E who created it... It was an expensive bird when the Air Force developed it, as I recall, and you can see that sometimes you get what you pay for ;)
Sorry it wasn't ready for Field Day weekend...just couldn't pull that off.
-- Mark L. Hammond [N8MH] AMSAT Director and Command Station