Today I listened for the first time for AO-7. I read all the info pages about this bird, but did not see anything about a key question: when is the bird in mode A and when in mode B? Is there a schedule, or do we have to listen on both 10m and 2m until we hear the beacon?
Anyhow, this morning there was a high pass and I heard the sat loud and clear in mode A, although it was not at all busy. Just 2 or 3 stations calling CQ on cw, no ssb at all. I was able to hear my own ssb signal on the downlink.
Was wondering what is a good antenna for receiving the 10m downlink. I have a vertical that usually performs quite well for regular HF work, but I lost the sat signal when the bird was still quite high, 25 degrees or so. This surprised me, as the vertical has a low angle of radiation.
Is there any SSB activity on this sat?
73, Bill NZ5N
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