At 07:43 AM 4/25/2011, i8cvs wrote:
I am anxious about that because even on EME very soon nobody will be able to use by hand a CW key and copy Morse Code by ears.
I don't think Morse is in any danger. I've seen an increase in interest since the compulsory Morse exams were dropped in this part of the world, particularly among younger people. I think it would be a shame to see Morse go, and there's a real opportunity for those who are proficient to show the newcomers the joys and elegant simplicity of CW. I don't think you'll have a shortage of students, now that Morse is both optional and something only in history outside of amateur radio.
I am sorry because I like very much the CW sound in my ears.
CW is like music for me and after to eliminate the Radio Officers over the ships we radio hams we actually should be the last frontier for the CW existence.
You can keep the torch burning. Unfortunately, I haven't had the chance to get to a level I'd be comfortable using on air, that might be a project for later in life, when there's less distractions, since I find the idea of Morse very attractive also. It's a pity the old exams emphasised slow speeds, I'd have done better had I learned at more "useful" speeds. :/
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com