Cliff Buttschardt, (Morro Bay) and Harley Gabrielson (San Diego) were personal friends of mine. I contributed nothing to its construction (active duty as a Naval Aviator at the time), but I was a "beta tester" a long before that name was ever invented.
I was a Pacific Region Coordinator...
Their printed terminology is Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio!!
My wife edited THE OSCAR LETTER for a long time when both Nick Marshall and Ross Forbes were president...
She has all the copies. You are welcome to stop by and view them at any time...
I think the maintainance of the true, historical record is important. And would respect those SKs who have passed on since their OSCAR ventures...May I browse through those 26 boxes next time I'm in the San Jose area???
73, Dave, WB6LLO [email protected]
Disagree: I learn....
Pulling for P3E...