Are you able to get to the point where you have a blank message open and ready to accept input? If so, you hit F then the number of the message (1 through 8) to paste in the contents of that Phrase at the current location of the cursor. You store the phrases in the APRS menu item 3P0 ("Phrases")
73, Ryan AI6DO On Tuesday, June 5, 2018, 8:25:12 PM PDT, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:
I am confused, which is not an uncommon thing. I have been wanting to try and figure out how to work Falxonsat-3 via my Kenwood D72a. I read Pat Stoddard's AMSAT Journal article but he does not do a step by step per se. I also read KB6IGK and WD9EWKs other article on the same subject. Mention is made on setting "User phrases". Looking at several different D72 manuals, I cannot for the life of me, see how one selects the phrase to use and how that gets into the string that is sent. I see the ability to set several phrases from inside RT systems D72 menu program (Not sure how those get entered in manual radio programming), nor do I see any instructions for sending). I watched a YouTube video of a guy making Falconst APRS contacts, but no explanation on how he got the phrases out.
Wisdom please,
73 and thanks for the patient mentoring.
Tom Schuessler, N5HYP EM12ms