On 26 Apr 2007 at 11:48, Dave hartzell wrote:
Hello fellow AMSAT-BBers-
I am a firm believer in Human rights and free speech, but I also do not appreciate the politically oriented, off-topic posts that occur frequently on this list. I get enough junk email!
As an attempt to keep down the noise, I propose a moderated list. This list will contain FACTUAL information and discussions related to Amateur radio satellites. Posts based on personal political and religious opinions will not be permitted. ALL are welcome to join the list with the agreement that their posts will be subject to moderation. It is even possible that the moderated list can subscribe to the AMSAT-BB list (with the caveat that the AMSAT-BB messages will be moderated before showing up on the new list).
If there is enough interest, we can organize this option, and select a GROUP of moderators. Please drop me a note on your opinion of this list.
73s, Dave N0TGD
I suggest this numerous time but all my request has been turn down and i even suggested the posting should be restricted to AMSAT members only and again my request has been turn down.
I agree with the rules when you wrote on a public forum there is restrictions and your text should be in their guide-lines here is some of them
No politics No military related text No patriotic related text No business related text No sexual or pornographic text No religious related text No direct attack or insulting text
Now who will be the judge!
I vote for Joe Brown or Judge Judy.
P.S. if North Korea or China was named instead of the USA could be this sudden desire to have the BB moderated will never come out!
I suggest to name me as moderator :)
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE