Yes. Give me a call on my cell and we can find a time. 612-597-7249
73 Rolf NR0T
On Mon, Jan 27, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Rolf Krogstad [email protected]wrote:
I will be operating on the satellites as W1AW/0 from the state of Minnesota (Grid EN34) from 0000z on Jan. 29th through 2359z on Feb. 4th.
Operating times will be evenings and on Sunday, as work permits. I will work SSB and CW on the analog birds and FM on SO-50.
QSL per the instructions on the ARRL website (copied below): http://www.arrl.org/centennial-qso-party
73 Rolf NR0T Grid EN34
=============================================== http://www.arrl.org/centennial-qso-party QSLs http://www.arrl.org/centennial-qso-party#Top
QSL cards from W1ØØAW and W1AW operating portable will be sent automatically via the QSL Bureau system to each U.S.A. station who signs-up online to receive such cards [this form is not ready yet -- please watch for an announcement]. This is a one-time only use of the QSL Bureau for this purpose. QSLs will automatically be sent to stations outside the U.S.A. via the QSL Bureau as normal. QSLs may be requested directly also, with an SASE required for return.