Hello Les!
I worked Norm right before you. I heard and recorded your QSO. Despite your modulation was a little distorted, you completed the contact successfully.
I will send the recording in a separate email.
Thanks very much to Norm for all the new grids!!!
Hector, CO6CBF
-----Mensaje original----- De: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] En nombre de Les Rayburn Enviado el: viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013 14:13 Para: AMSAT Mailing List Asunto: [amsat-bb] Norm on FO-29 and VUCC/DXCC Credit
I should have spelled out in my earlier e-mail that I'm not even going to think about QSLing Norm, N3YKF/OA4 in FM18 for VUCC or DXCC credit unless I'm fortunate enough to work him again before he leaves Peru.
I prefer to earn 'em fair and square or not at all. Just thought it was a funny story that other operators might enjoy. And I wanted to note his callsign in case I heard him on the birds again.
It seems a lot of operators use a digital audio recorder for logging, especially those who operate handheld. Lesson learned, check all connections before the pass begins! Ha, Ha. Thanks for helping to solve the mystery and sorry for any confusion.