Here is a bit of amateur radio news that is more timely transmitted now rather than waiting for the weekend news cycle.
Special Event Stations Commemorate ESOC 50th Anniversary
The European Space Agency – Operations Centre (ESOC) in Darmstadt will celebrate it's 50th Anniversary. The ESOC radio club DL0ESA will be active between September 8 - 10.
Additionally some members will operate from their home QTH using their own calls to spread the word of the special event station. These will also count toward the ESA Radio Award: https://sites.google.com/site/esahamradio/
Next, between September 18 to October 5, Age-Riise Raymond, LA5PMA and Javier Roldan, EA1HEO, will activate EG1ESA, a special event station operating from the Cebreros Ground Station in Spain.
This item was originally posted on the DX Coffee web site: http://www.dxcoffee.com/eng/2017/dl0esa-operations-centre-esoc-will-become-5...
[ANS thanks DX Coffee for the above information]