Hi All,
Would be grateful for any advice or your thoughts on the following...!
Ok, so I have my station virtually completed now. I have the rotator setup correctly and with the LVB Tracker interface unit and SatPC32 now tracking SATs correctly (it appears). I have a 4 ELE (2M) and 9 ELE (70cm) on the rotator.
I can receive very good copy of downlinks from quite low passes on both 2M & 70CM, and I have recently had the FT-847 lab repaired and tested on output - which I know are working ok.
The problem I have is - whichever satellite i try to work, low pass / high pass, SSB or FM, high power or low power - I am unable to hear my own signal on the downlink and hence so far have no QSO's ....Any suggestions or clues as to what I may be doing wrong or have setup incorrectly...?
Would appreciate any clues / tips here ! :-)