----- Original Message ----- From: "Dave Guimont" [email protected] To: "Edward Cole" [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 8:17 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Where can I buy pre-made feedline?
I much prefer using N-connectors just about everywhere because of the superior contact design. PL-259 is not a good connector above 2m and is marginal at 2m. I wonder how this method of construction affects use with very high power (1500w)? For satellite RF levels (<50w) it may be OK.
Ed, I agree with you for the additional good reason:
First of all the N connector has a constant impedance and it is usable up to 12 GHz
The N connector has a reliable contact for the coax braid between the N/male and the N/female even if the male is not perfectly screw up in to the female
The N connector do not requires to solder the coax braid to the connector body
The N connector can be used outside for years provided it is properly banded with a good selfbonding electrical tape like Scotch 23
The N connector stands up to 1000 watt in 70 cm
On the other side:
The PL259 is not a constant impedance connector.
The real point of the electrical contact between the braid of the coax connected to a male PL259 and the body of a female SO239 must be the toothed ferrule located inside at the end of both but this contact tend to oxidate particularly in the outside applications and in general because the toothed contact is only relyed to the force used to screw up the male PL259 If the male becomes a little bit loose screw than the braid becomes an open contact or a contact with high resistance in series of it. As a consequence the RF currents flowing inside the surface of the coax braid tend to flow inside the threaded male lid but this longher path only for the braid creates another impedance bump even if it is not immediately recognized.
For the above mentioned reason I use only N connectors ad I replace all PL259 with N connectors "when I can" in the existing equipments.
Best 73" de
i8CVS Domenico