On 26 Apr 2007 at 1:14, KA2AEV@aol.com wrote:
In a message dated 4/24/2007 2:05:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, lucleblanc6@videotron.ca writes:
Here is the plain American truth...It's the gun who killed 32 peoples in Virginia Tech who is the problem but not all the others freely circulating under an archaic part of a constitution made when folks are riding horses
You are a complete asshole Exactly what does a sick person like this jerk who killed 32 people have to do with Ham Radio? Or are you the same type of person who is basically pleading for attention and cries like a little baby when nobody pays attention to them
On 25 Apr 2007 at 20:48, Bruce wrote:
hmmmm.... he can lower the average age by 10 to 15 years. i guess having a 2 year old on the list is advantageous at times. i'll let you know when.
Robert McGwier wrote:
Too bad... I'm too late again i'm trailing here. I'm not too sure what i can added to this ladies and gentlemens list but one thing i'm pretty sure i can lower the average age of the list by a good 10 to 15 years :)
So far, I've not found this to be an asset for you.
_________________________end of copy paste...
Here is copy of a personal e-mail i already sent:
HI Luc ,,,, ,, you are one intelligent dude. i do not understand the Latin message you
put on AMSAT-bb about the hotel list, nor do i understand the need for it. is this satellite related ? please send out the translation, and save all the time to figure it out.
A bad translation will be "If youth knew, if old age could" It was made by the Roman lyric poet Horace (December 8, 65 BC - November 27, 8 BC). He was pointing out the life facts where old people gained a lot of knowledge contrary to the youngs but they often lack strength to put in practice what they know.
I just try to show up there is near no new blood to replace the AMSAT aging crowd.
Some are getting it you don't! That's why numerous debate are escalating on this BB as many does not understand what they read. This latin verse just explain the original sense of Horace citation and the numerous connotations of this citation.
Bottom line the purpose of my text is to demonstrate all the incredible amount of knowledge and experience this list contain but also the lack of new blood to be able to have this knowledge transfer from one generation to another.
That's why i say i can reduce the average age of the list and that's the best i can do as i'm not working in this field of electronics space field.
That's why horace Horace say the same in 5 lines of latin text.
Personal attack are the signature of the week as the use of a gun in Virginia Tech. Is it the American ideals? Or is America became Ugly Betty?
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE