November 28 launch for D-Star One CubeSat which will host four D-Star communication modules, two of them will be fully dedicated to amateur radio http://www.d-star.one/
December 20 launch for HA-1 CubeSat with FM transponder and SSTV Developed by Teenagers Amateur Radio Center of Activity in Huai'an http://www.amsatuk.me.uk/iaru/finished_detail.php?serialnum=589
IARU Region 1 announce new edition (8.00) of the VHF Handbook now available for free download http://www.iaru-r1.org/index.php/vhfuhsshf/1737-vhf-manager-handbook-version...
Page 12 of the November issue of SatMagazine features an article on the Jordanian JY1-SAT CubeSat which will carry an Amateur Radio linear transponder. Download the magazine PDF from http://www.satmagazine.com/
Jordan’s first satellite – JY1-SAT https://amsat-uk.org/2017/10/24/jordans-first-satellite-jy1-sat/
Trevor M5AKA ---- AMSAT-UK http://amsat-uk.org/ Twitter https://twitter.com/AmsatUK Facebook https://facebook.com/AmsatUK YouTube https://youtube.com/AmsatUK ----