I assumed it's same as 1200, and till otherwise noted, my sgate is ready for it. Now if I can just remember when the time comes, to tell it to use this new config for ariss, then set it back when it's done.
Quoting "Henk, PA3GUO" [email protected]:
Ha !
To my best knowledge the 9k6 mode is new (though std for the D700). Certainly interesting to see the results of this new mode.
I assume UNPROTO settings will be the same as for 1k2 APRS (Kenneth, can you confirm ?)
Anyway, I will first monitor the downlink, see if the BBS will be on and/or APRS and/or 'plain' packet.
Henk, PA3GUO
---December 1-5--in addition to school contacts and APRS digi operations, we plan to configure the radio system for cross band repeater operations. This will utilize the standard U/V operations in low power mode. ---December 7-12 we will run a test of 9600 baud packet operations on the simplex frequency 145.825 MHz. ---Given that PCSAT should be in full sun starting December 9, December 14-19 we will switch to 1200 baud packet on 145.825 to support double hop opportunities. ---And at times, especially during the weekends, you might see some SSTV operations if the crew is available.
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