Anyone looking for something to do with a gain array, might want to track the SIMPL spacecraft while listening on 145.825.
This is the host spacecraft that has QIKCOM-1 module on board.
The SIMPL ground team reports detecting some S band signals apparently from SIMPL. So that is an indication that maybe the spacecraft powered up. That being the case, then maybe it powered up QIKCOM-1 also. But if the host CPU did not send the antenna release signal, then QIKCOM-1 may be powered up but with antennas all coiled up and still in their slot.
But high gain stations might hear something. This is a far fetched scenario, but if someone is looking for something to do, its worth a listen. The object number is
42983 or type SIMPL in spacetrack.
QIKCOM-1 beacons once a minute on 145.825 APRS 1200 baud and should respond as a digipeater using the path of ARISS or APRSAT. So rather than wait for the 1 minute beacon, you are welcome to ping it as well. But remember, like all APRS digis, it will ignore dupes for a while. I think the DUP delay was set to ten seconds.
And even if you do not decode it, if your 10 kW EIRP signal can get a PING response every 10 seconds or so, then that would be something you might hear.
QIKCOM-1 transmits with 4 Watts. But into a shorted antenna, the signal might be down 26 dB or moreā¦ something like 10 mw. Not decodable, but detectible by ear maybe.
Good luck fishing.
Bob, WB4aPR