Thanks for the opportunity to share, as we (AMSAT-ID) had a discussion 2 days ago on ideas for the next amateur payload, as a continuation of the current IO-86 payload on LAPAN A2/ORARI satellite. Based on the IO-86 utilization that FM voice repeater has the most participants (typically 15-20 callsigns can he heard in each pass, that sometimes make it like "a zoo"), then SSTV (we had several hundred scouts receiving images on the last JOTA), continued with APRS and CW, we are thinking of:- Regular (analog) FM repeater, but superimposed with telemetry data (but not DUV as the DUV audio has shown to be a hindrance on portable operators using HT that is typical in Indonesia).With this plan the typical portable operators using HT can still have regular QSO as easy as currently on IO-86 while users with SDR receiver can extract telemetry information while various QSO are on going. Additionally we plan to add a very tight bandpass filter on the front-end, to minimize effect of out-of-band signals making the radio sometimes deaf, and RSSI detector to block high-power users. 73 de Yono - YD0NXXAMSAT-ID Technical Team On Wednesday, October 30, 2019, 01:04:09 AM GMT+7, Andrew Glasbrenner via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
I just had a super call with a university program flying a mission using SDRs. We talked about licensing and coordination issues, and discussed ideas for a secondary two-way mission that they want to do.
What would you like to see, repeater, transponder, BBS, digital voice, digipeater? Downlink would be on 2m, and would probably be limited to 20-25khz wide. Other ideas? Something new and different? Let's have a civilized discussion about what they could try, as they seem to be an eager and capable bunch.
73, Drew KO4MA
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