Hi to the list, I own a trakbox. I've made time ago the circuit by Jim K6OYY called: Backlight Trakbox Display. It is a while that the backlight is not working anymore. I've checked Jim's circuit and saw that the 70V AC is present on the LCD Pins so I think that the lamp has blewed but not sure. I've tried to take off the shield of the display and measured the lamp with an ohmmeter and saw there is no continuity. I would like to substitute it with a new one but I could not find the one I already have on the trakbox. On the diagram circuit of the trakbox I can read: LCD DISPLAY HITACHI 44780 COMPATABLE. Is there any body which can help me to find it? Thanks in advance
73 de Enzo IK8OZV EasyLog 5 BetaTester EasyLog PDA BetaTester WinBollet BetaTester D.C.I. CheckPoint Regione Campania Skype: ik8ozv8520
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