I posted a report last month on the AMSAT BB (http://www.amsat.org/pipermail/amsat-bb/2019-January/071274.html) on using SatPC32 and HDSDR to drive an RSP1A for the downlink. There is a document on the SDRPlay site that explains how to install HDSDR and the SDRPlay drivers: https://sdrplay.com/docs/Using_HDSDR_with_SDRplay_Module_R2P4%20.pdf, but the HDSDR FAQ explains in detail how to get the two applications to communicate.
Since that posting, I've found that tweaking the ExtIO parameters have made the RSP1A much more usable, comparable in receive to the FT-857 or FT-817, although not quite as sensitive as the KX3 on 2 meters. The things that helped the most was changing the LNA parameter from the default of 4 (I think) to 1 and occasionally turning off AFC.
73, Ryan AI6DO
On Friday, February 22, 2019, 12:50:43 AM PST, Les Rayburn [email protected] wrote:
Finally, I have all the components together to add a SDRPlay2 receiver to my satellite station.
I purchased two Alpha Delta 4 way N female switches. This will allow me to have one each for the 2M antenna, and another for the 432 antenna.
Attached to each will be the IC-910H, Kenwood TM-D71GA (with duplexer), SDRPlay2, and my D-STAR ID-800H (with a duplexer.)
In theory, this will allow me to route the antennas to any of the four radios for either TX or RX depending.
The last hurdle is how do I interface my SatPC32 software to control both the uplink on the IC-910H and the SDRPlay2 for the downlink at the same time?
Any help appreciated.
Les Rayburn, N1LF Maylene, AL EM63nf AMSAT #38965, ARRL Life Member, CVHS Life Member, SVHF Member