MICHAEL>m.. ome people who do volunteer or charity work for an organization or make contributions do so anonymously and without much fanfare …
What? People are griping about AMSAT Board devisions made secretly …
How many ways do toy want it?
Someone running for a board decision whose resume includes NO volunteer with for AMSAT?
Go ahead. Promote mediocrity from someone who wrote -
"I make no bones that I feel that the majority of the [AMSAT-NA] BOD are doing a true disservice to AMSAT. That's why we have elections ... I was elated with the outcome of the last election. It went just as planned :) I was happy to draw votes away from other incumbents during the last election.”
“Blind Faith” was an English music supergroup featuring Clapton, Winwood, Ginger Baker and Greecg.
To you, “Blind Faith” is the support of someone who has performed NO service to AMSAT-NA.
Clint Bradford K6LCS