I made such a switch for 2m and for 70cm, but i used 4 sma relays at each. With 4 identical relays you don't have to take into account the internal lenght from the relais. My coax used is semi rigid 50ohm and 70ohm and return loss in all positions is very very low! Coax is measured and tuned with netanalyzer. It works great and is a nice thing to have when you use a crossyagi for all communications. BE WARE to put the antenne dipoles in the right way, or the polarisations will differ.
73's, Jerry
Van: "VA3ASE" [email protected] Aan: "amsat-bb" [email protected] Verzonden: Dinsdag 29 juni 2021 17:22:22 Onderwerp: [AMSAT-BB] Article on switching polarization by I8CVS
I'm looking for an old AMSAT Journal article by Domenico Marini I8CVS titled "Switching Four Polarizations on a 70cm Crossed Yagi." I looked up D omenico to ask directly but learned he is a silent key. If anyone could send me a PDF, or guide me to where I might find an archive it would be greatly appreciated.
Also interested in any feedback on mounting yagis in an X-configuration and using horizontal polarity for VHF contesting plus other polarities for satellites. Minikits offers a kit to do the switching, apparently inspired by Domenico's design.
73, Alex Sutherland VA3ASE
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