Hello, I have added the following hints to the FAQs file http://www.dk1tb.de/FAQ_e.htm (sect. 5s at the end of the file):
s. Use of different Kepler data files with different satellite names
The various Kepler data files (source files) often use different names for the same satellite. This is e.g. the case with some of those contained in the AMSAT file nasa.all on the one hand and the Celestrak files (amateur.txt, cubesat.txt etc.) on the other. This can lead to a satellite or its frequencies not being displayed when the source file is changed although the file contains data for the relevant satellite.
A solution to the problem is an entry for the satellite in the auxiliary file AmsatNames.txt. The file already contains a list with the identifiers (catalog numbers) of the satellites important for radio amateurs and the assigned satellite names and instructions on how to make the entry.
The names from a source file, e.g. nasa.all, or even self-made ones can be used as names. They should of course be as memorable as possible (that's why the 5-digit identifier itself is not suitable as a name, although that would be possible).
With the option 'Use Amsat Names if Available' the program then uses the assigned name with all source files, regardless of a different name in the source file. It is displayed in SatPC32 and can be used in all data files that require a satellite name such as Doppler.SQF, Prior.SQF, SubTone.SQF or Squint.SQF. This means that all source files containing data for the satellite can be used.