Despite EasyComm 2's similarities to GS-232, modifications to Predict's source code haven't been successful in controlling the RAS rotator; are all the AlfaSpid users here on Nova / SatPC32 / Orbitron?
I gave Alfa Radio a call yesterday and they said that the controller appears to flicker when viewed under florescent lighting, so once I check that under a good old incandescent it should be fine.
I also picked up one of MFJ's variable voltage supplies, so it is a simple matter to observe how the controller does not enjoy lower voltages. The flicking I'm talking about is much faster and subtle; the multiplexing theory from earlier is a good one.
Ultimately I will run off of a stepped-down AC, probably with a variac thrown in. I've always wanted the ability to throttle rotations; the start-stop motion has always irked me. Makes the long yagis shake.
I'm looking forward to putting a small (~6ft) dish on this thing, but right now the focus is a yagi array (4x 440CP42UG, 2x 2MCP22). I don't have the heavy-duty version. Picked it up from Hy-Gain since the exchange rate to Canada is not, shall we say, favorable right now.
73, Ryan KB1LKI
On 2/6/10 12:00 PM, [email protected] wrote:
Message: 7 Date: Sat, 6 Feb 2010 14:15:32 -0500 (EST) From: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: AlfaSpid RAS& Predict To: John Heath[email protected] Cc: Amsat[email protected] Message-ID:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Hi John, Are you using this rotor system for an array of antennas or a big dish? If a dish, how large? I noticed their rotors at Visalia last year. But didn't ask the reps their thoughts about turning a 12 to 16 foot dish. I know there are two versions, I think one is heavy duty. Not sure which one you are using. Thank You for any additional info. 73,
de KB8VAO, Steve