I've wanted to purchase a Kenwood THD7AG for several weeks but the place that I usually purchase from has been saying (on their web site) that the D7 is out of stock for more than a month. I called them and I was told that Kenwood is basically noncommittal and perhaps even evasive when asked about future THD7 shipments. Did anyone who attended Dayton happen to engage any Kenwood reps in a conversation about the THD7? If so would you tell us what you heard?
The THD7AG is presently listed on the Kenwoodusa'a web site.
Inquiring minds would like to know what is going on here...
My list of possibles are RoHS compliance issues (aka tin whiskers are in your future), someone is trying to avoid the classic Osborne-I to Osborne-II sales and marketing debacle prior to introducing a follow on to the D7, or perhaps the market is too small to justify continued manufacturing...