Sion Chow Q. C. (9W2QC) wrote:
I have configured WISPDDE client to IC-910H as
radio 1. However, WISPDDE gives errors (when the pass starts, and frequency is passed from WISP to WISPDDE client via DDE) like "Unable to cancel duplex command" and some other errors whenever "Bidirectional interface" is enabled. If "Bidirectional interface" is unchecked, everything works fine. I cant this enabled (causes WISPDDE client to hang up), so for now I have to let it be disabled.
I use the IC-910H in satellite mode with this setup, as this is required to get the downlink on the top (RX) and uplink on the bottom (TX). Would be glad if anyone could help me on this matter. Although this is not a serious trouble, I cant get WISPDDE to recognise small changes/compensation made using the VFO knob on the IC-910H especially when copying CW satellites.
The 910 needs to put in "satellite" mode before you enable WispDDE.
WispDDE *WILL* send a message about "unable to cancel split mode" before it works properly.
WispDDE will *NOT* work properly if the 910 is *NOT* in satellite mode.
WispDDE will switch bands and modes properly only if the 910 is in satellite mode.
The inability of WispDDE to recognise VFO changes is because "Bidirectional Interface" is turned off. You may also have an old version of WispDDE which did not support "transparent tuning" - I'll send you the most recent build that does support it, in a separate email.
I use Orbitron and WispDDE for my 910 and it works well for me on all the satellites I use.
Feel free to ask me any questions about the 910 with WispDDE