Andy's (UZ7HO) current Wisp setup seems to be working with Falconsat-3. It consists of his full-duplex version of Soundmodem and HW-VSP-3. I had the opportunity to run a test this afternoon and I did see N8MH and KO4MA in the Wisp queue so the VSP link is working. Wisp automatically sent auto-fill requests as well.
Unfortunately, the pass was just a few degrees above the horizon so comms didn't last very long.
For those interested, follow the download links below. Feel free to send an email to my address and I'll do my best to assist in the setup procedure.
HW VSP-3 download site: http://www.hw-group.com/products/hw_vsp/index_en.html
UZ7HO HS Soundmodem v0.19: http://uz7.ho.ua/packetradio.htm
Wisp for Windows: https://www.amsat.org/falconsat-3/
Tony -K2MO