At 01:42 AM 4/24/2011, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
In the end, digital compression of spectrum space is going to happen more and more. AM style broadcast is hugely inefficient even though it is painfully simple to do. I don't really believe that D-Star is the right choice for "everything" because it is single source. But, so is Microsoft windows,
There's no "one size fits all. D-STAR has its place, and being the new kid on the block, it's open to a lot of tinkering.
MacOS-X, and many other software based systems. If you are an FPGA programmer, perhaps you can build an FPGA based CODEC for amateur radio that would do voice compression etc. But in the end, you also have to have an transmitter with the appropriate bandwidth output to reduce the spectrum used.
Well, maybe one day someone will package something like Codec2 into a chip. That will be a good day for ham radio, BUT it'll never make D-STAR. Why? Because it's not in the spec and will break the existing installed hardware base. However, the future is likely to consist of "multimode" radios, which can handle multiple codecs and protocols, and which will be capable of having a yet unknown cocecs installed in the field. Also, eventually the DVSI patent will run out, just like the patent for SSB did many years ago.
The simple fact is that HAM radio emission standards (simple voice modulated with some simple emission standard) are now more than a century old. As
Not quite. CW certainly is, AM is around the century mark, I think SSB is a little over 80 years old from its first conception, and FM is 75 years old. :)
capable as they are, the abilities they present seem minimal to some. I think that there are great things about them because they do allow long distance communications which the HAM community regularly uses to support distant operations which provide aid to areas struck by natural disaster.
I think this is one area where ham radio will be increasingly important. Alongside the newer modes, it can also be a living "museum" where older modes can live on. The only mode that hasn't survived is spark gap Morse, because it's so spectrally inefficient it became illegal. So ham radio, while it still does advance the art also preserves the art as well, and both are important functions to me. If something happened that required falling back to older analog modes, there's a pool of experienced operators on hand, who know he quirks that the commercial world will forget.
But, we all have to understand that it costs money to do anything "new and different". People experimenting with stuff is great, but it minimizes who can participate if you have to "build it" or "pay a lot". That's just life in general. You can't participate in everything unless you have the resources to do that.
And there's experimentation. I don't have the background and resources to play at a low hardware or software level, but at a higher level, equivalent to "mashups" on the Internet I have played and still do.
In the US, any digital communications that is coded in some way only needs to have a publicly visible document detailing how it works for the FCC regulations to be met. Other places in the world may have different requirements and that's nothing new is it?
Requirements here are much the same as the US, somewhat more liberal when it comes to modulation and coding. Basically there are two things that matter. (1) Not to exceed the maximum necessary bandwidth (D-STAR fits on all bands except 2200m), and (2) The coding must not be for the purpose of "obscuring the meaning of the message". D-STAR certainly fits, because radios are readily available, and they don't need encryption keys.
73 de VK3JED / VK3IRL http://vkradio.com