11 Mar
11 Mar
7:17 p.m.
KJ4JIO said:
David put out the initial email on my behalf. I soon after registered for some of the various Amsat mailing lists and followed along. Thank you all very much for your insight.
Welcome to the world of hamsats, and by your callsign - to ham radio ! You can learn a lot here, and a lot more by trying it yourself. It may not be easy, but it won't be all that hard either.
You will of course learn more by listening than by talking... Fortunately, you likely have twice as many ears.
Enjoy your new habitxxxxx hobby and keep us informed of your progress. Don't be afraid of asking questions here, everyone of us was a noob first before we got to be grumpity ol`curmudgeons.... that'l come with time.
73 for now... /;^)
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