I was listening to the AO-73 pass this morning when I heard a CW beacon from a satellite that I have been unable to identify. The signal has the characteristic Doppler shift, so it's definitely from a satellite. The beacon repeats every 30 seconds.
My antenna setup is far from optimal, so only three beacon intervals can be copied (but the signal was strong) on the recording. The CW reads:
My QTH is in IN80DO, near Madrid, Spain, and the time was 10:18 UTC 31/12/2014. The frequency was around 145.866.
I have tried to Google for this CW sequence or the frequency trying to identify the satellite, but I have had no luck. Could anyone help me?
I attach a small audio recording of the CW. The time was 10:18:33 UTC.
73 and Happy New Year,
Dani EA4GPZ.