Hi All,
The VO-52 Dutch transponder was working very well on the ascending orbit Nr 37097 with max elevation of about 30° from my JN70ES
Recorded the whole orbit on magnetic tape with recorder REVOX-A77
Worked only IW6OVD and IZ8JHD and made a long chat with those Ham friends.
My uplink power was 30 watt on a 10 turns Helix antenna RHCP
No other SSB stations were available on the passband because probably they were not informed about the recovery of VO-52
At the end of the orbit at 2° elevation only two stations were active from Russia.
The transponder modulation is OK and very linear even if a comparative report with the Indian transponder can be available only in the next few days.
Signal strength: CW Beacon is very clear without chirps and signals linearity on the passband seems to be comparable with that of the Indian Transponder
The best polarization in 2 meters downlink is LHCP as with experienced with the Indian Transponder.(same antennas)
The lession learned (in my opinion) from AMSAT-India and ISRO is the following one:
"If you want a satellite to communicate it should be simple and have only one mode of operation and redundant trasponders".
Critical report: ISRO and AMSAT-India should have more than only one control station.
Congratulations to ISRO, to AMSAT-India and to William PE1RAH
73" de
i8CVS Domenico