Hi all, Received my Amsat journal to day. I think this argument is crazy. We are talking about a digital transponder, I assume is alot wider than any AO-40 signal. Anything digital I have seen receives digitally, a slight amount of intreference and gone. no dedgrading it is either their or it is not! 2.4 GHz is a garbage band so is 900 MHz and so will be 5.8GHz. Look at the rules No ISM on 10GHz, 500 MHz of bandwidth. Protected by Military as Primary. I know one of the players on the Band Noise floor measurments, and I know it was done professionally. I am certain that the calculations of Bandwidth and noise floor requirements for the digital mode makes the dispensing with 2.4 GHz a vary reasonable approach..
Analog transponders can tollerate more interference and using a 2.1 KHz band pass has a big advantage for interference rejection. But Eagle is not AO-40! The real question is do we go digital in the spirit of 200 Meters and down or do we take the ARRL route and promote 10 Meters and up as a "step up in Amateur Radio"? We got to love those No Tech Coded Extras!
----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Leikhim" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Friday, September 08, 2006 5:47 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Sband and Eagle: an appeal for a higher leveldiscussion
This thread so reminds me of the past pleas for more mode B birds to replace AO-10 and AO-13. The AMSAT board response was that the VHF and UHF bands were getting noisy, illegal VHF and legal UHF interlopers were showing up and for the membership to embrace microwaves and build S band and L band stations.
Well I am one who has such a station and while I would love certainly to see mode B, come back, I am also fully equipped to excercise some S and L band experiments.
I can understand that many households are polluted with 2.4 GHz toys, mine is. My solution will be to pull the plug on that stuff during operation and to utilize a medium size dish for the downlink (Note: those grid panels can't discriminate as well as a bigger dish, and secondly the IC-970 noise blanker works on some types of S band ISM interference).
Please someone tell me that we can work L and S band modes with HEO and linear transponders, I would become so much more interested in the hobby!