Saint Barts satellite operation starts Wednesday.
The FJ/N0KV dxpedition to Saint Barts Island in the Caribbean will take place April 19 through 26.We expect to be on the air on HF by about mid-day local and on satellite passes starting that evening.Operation on SO50, FO29, AO85, AO92 is planned. Given our experience on Montserrat in 2015, we will concentrate on evening passes St. Barts time during the week and afternoon/evening on weekends. Equipment is an IC-910H and Arrow for VHF/UHF. On FO29 we will transmit at about 145.940 and tune the passband for callers. We will exchange grids (FK87). Looking forward to working lots of stations on satellite. Check the FJ/N0KV entry on QRZ.COM for further.We expect to post updates and pass plans to amsat-bb.#amsat
Jim, WD0E