30 Apr
30 Apr
5:45 p.m.
I am adding UHF and VHF preamps to my Satellite setup and I am trying to make sure I know the right order of components...
Here is what I think is right for VHF:
FT-847 --> VHF AMP --> SWR Meter --> SEQUENCER --> PREAMP --> Antenna
Is that right or does the SEQUENCER go before the AMP?
For UHF, pretty straight forward I think:
FT-847 --> SWR Meter --> SEQUENCER --> PREAMP --> Antenna
Note the SSB Sequencers provide power to the SSB Preamps also, which is why I guessed on V it went after the AMP and the SWR Meter.
Thanks for checking it out before I wire it all up.
Thanks, Mike kb8zgl