ARISS News Release No.24-06
DaveJordan, AA4KN
ARISSContact is Scheduled with Students at
Bilingual Montessori School of Lund (Stiftelsen BMSL), Lund, Sweden
January 30,2024—Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) has receivedschedule confirmation for an ARISS radio contact between an Axiom Mission(Ax-3) astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and students atthe Stiftelsen BMSL located in Lund, Sweden. ARISS conducts 60 -100 of these special amateur radio contacts each yearbetween students around the globe and crew members with ham radio licenses aboardthe ISS.
BMSLwas established in 2003 for children aged 1 to 16, using the National SwedishCurriculum. The school employs Montessori-inspired pedagogy and languageimmersion teaching English and French from preschool and starting in grade 6,teaching Spanish.
This will be atelebridge Contact via AmateurRadio allowing students toask their questions of astronaut Marcus Wandt,amateur radio call sign KJ5COO. Wandt has over 20 years of aviation experiencewith the Swedish Air Force as a fighter pilot, squadron commander, wingcommander, and chief test pilot. He will be the second ESA astronaut of Swedishnationality to ever go to the International Space Station and will serve as amission specialist during
Axiom Space’s Ax-3 mission.
Wandt is honored to have this opportunity to not onlyachieve one of his greatest life’s dreams, but also to use the Ax-3 mission toignite a passion for STEM education in teachers and students worldwide to eachpursue their ambitions. The downlink frequency for this contact is 145.800 MHzand may be heard by listeners that are within the ISS-footprint that alsoencompasses the telebridge station.
The ARISS amateur radio ground station (telebridge station)for this contact is in Glenden, Australia. The amateur radio volunteer team atthe ground station will use the call sign VK4KHZ, to establish and maintain theISS connection.
The ARISS radiocontact is scheduled for January 31, 2024 at 1:50:25 pm CET(Sweden) (12:50:25 UTC,7:50 am EST, 6:50 am CST, 5:50 am MST, 4:50am PST).
The public isinvited to watch the live stream at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G72VqFDlh0g
As time allows,students will ask these questions:
Translation (fromSwedish):
1. What does atypical day look like on the ISS?
2. How do youeat in space, and does the food taste different?
3. What kind ofresearch are you conducting?
4. Which ofyour experiments can improve our lives on Earth?
5. How does itfeel to be weightless, can it be compared to any other sensation?
6. What doesthe moon look like from the ISS?
7. Would youlike to be the first human landing on Mars?
8. How do youpoop in space?
9. How do youshower, Marcus? The water should be flying in all directions, right?
10. How doesbeing in space affect your body?
11. How do youmanage conflicts between crew members?
12. Do youthink your values will change now that you have been in space?
13. What didyou feel during the rocket liftoff?
14. Can you useyour Smartphone with the Starlink satellites to contact your family from theISS?
15. How did youprepare for weightlessness?
16. How can thefire stay on the rocket in space?
17. How does thecockpit of the Dragon module look like?
18. How do youknow you won't get lost in space?
19. Does lifein space have effects on your body and your mood?
20. What doesthe education look like to become an astronaut?
Translation (English to Swedish for questionsthat will be asked in English):
3*. Class 8A (14-15): Vilken typ av forskningbedriver du?
4*. Class 9A (15-16): Vilka av dina experimentkan förbättra vårt liv på jorden?
7*. Class 8B (14-15): Skulle du vilja vara denförsta människan som landar på Mars?
11*. Class 9B (15-16): Hur hanterar dukonflikter mellan besättningsmedlemmar?
14*. Class 7A (13:14): Kan du använda dinsmartphone med Startlink-satelliterna för att kontakta din familj från ISS?
About Axiom Mission 3:
As the first all-European commercial astronaut mission tothe ISS, Axiom Mission 3 (Ax-3) redefines the pathway to low-Earth orbit fornations around the globe. This mission marks a new era of opportunity forcountries to join the international space community and access low-Earth orbitto advance exploration and research in microgravity.
About ARISS:
Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) isa cooperative venture of international amateur radio societies and the spaceagencies that support the International Space Station (ISS). In the UnitedStates, sponsors are the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), Amateur RadioDigital Communications (ARDC), Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT),NASA’s Space Communications and Navigation program (SCaN) and the ISS NationalLab—Space Station Explorers. The primary goal of ARISS is to promote explorationof science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics topics. ARISSdoes this by organizing scheduled contacts via amateur radio between crewmembers aboard the ISS and students. Before and during these radio contacts,students, educators, parents, and communities take part in hands-on learningactivities tied to space, space technologies, and amateur radio. For moreinformation, see http://www.ariss.org
Media Contact:
Dave Jordan,AA4KN
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