Due to COVID-19, the July/August 2020 issue of The AMSAT Journal will only be available to members on AMSAT’s Member Portal. Please visit launch.amsat.org to view/download your copy today.
The AMSAT Journal is a bi-monthly magazine for amateur radio in space enthusiasts, published by the Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT). Each issue is your source for hardware and software projects, technical tips, STEM initiatives, operational activities, and news from around the world.
Inside the Current Issue:
Engineering Update Jerry Buxton N0JY
User Services Update Robert Bankston KE4AL
Treasurer's Report Robert Bankston KE4AL
Educational Relations Update Alan Johnston KU2Y
AMSAT Field Day 2020 Bruce Paige KK5DO
For Beginners — Amateur Radio Satellite Primer VI Keith Baker KB1SF/VE2KSF
Satellite Cyber Threats Omar Álvarez-Cárdenas XE1AO; Miguel A. García-Ruiz VE3BKM; Margarita G. MayoralBaldivia XE1BMG; Raúl T. Aquino-Santos (SWL)
Integration of a Distributed Ground Station Network M.A.Mendoza-Bárcenas (SWL); Rafael Prieto-Meléndez (SWL); Alejandro Padrón-Godínez (SWL); Gerardo Calva-Olmos (SWL), Omar Álvarez-Cárdenas XE1AO; Margarita G. Mayoral-Baldivia XE1BMG; Alfonso TamezRodríguez XE2O
Satellite Antenna Tracking Using Goto Telescope Mounts Dwayne Sinclair NA6US
Not an AMSAT member? Visit launch.amsat.org and JOIN TODAY!
Robert Bankston, KE4AL Vice-President, User Services Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT)