We're just trying to help Norm by suggesting some other possibilities. by any chance have you had your mail forwarded to the World Wide Headquarters in Echo Mary Fifty Five? Sometimes the USPS treats things like postcards differently when it comes to forwarding. Also, my kid sometimes brings the mail in and has a tendency to drop small parcels in the bushes behind the PVC, where they hide until someone goes in after them. Did you check in your bushes behind the PVC? I'll keep thinking on some other possibilities. I'm sure it was nothing malicious.
Dave, KG5CCI
On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 12:48 PM, Norm n3ykf [email protected] wrote:
Waiting for my ballot, which I paid for.
Expecting a response from my elected officals, not the peanut gallery. Then again, what more could I expect.
On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 12:30 PM, Norm n3ykf [email protected] wrote:
I'd have contacted our well paid staff. [email protected] bounces from the
No ballot yet. Did receive the mag, so the database has the correct
Don't want to miss my opportunity to exercise governance.
Wonder why this happened.
Spent 5 years as the Secretary Treasurer of a labor union. Teamsters sent me to school so that I might learn all about governing, governance and regulations.
Elections can be nullified by irregularities. Loss of 501c3?
Norm McSweyn
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