Dear all,
Update from BIRDS-1 operation team.
NORAD released TLEs for 5 satellites. Followings are copied from celestrack.com https://celestrak.com/NORAD/elements/tle-new.txt
1998-067MU 1 42820U 98067MU 17188.49472944 .00022637 00000-0 33880-3 0 9999 2 42820 51.6459 297.1078 0000191 112.5053 305.7240 15.54882633 39 1998-067MV 1 42821U 98067MV 17188.49472936 .00006293 00000-0 10000-3 0 9990 2 42821 51.6396 297.1033 0001708 338.7786 79.4174 15.54740082 11 1998-067MW 1 42822U 98067MW 17188.49484483 .99999999 00000-0 14670+1 0 9997 2 42822 51.6217 297.0661 0007364 19.4356 39.3809 15.53489700 16 1998-067MX 1 42823U 98067MX 17188.49472920 .00006283 00000-0 10000-3 0 9994 2 42823 51.6675 297.1562 0002633 83.1009 335.0641 15.54702773 12 1998-067MY 1 42824U 98067MY 17188.50049884 .00006258 00000-0 10000-3 0 9998 2 42824 51.6514 297.0980 0010323 341.8797 108.4603 15.54572798 13
It seems that 1998-067MU (NORAD Catalog ID 42820) is Bangladesh satellite.
Naomi Kurahara JE6GXN
2017-07-08 5:38 GMT+09:00 M5AKA via AMSAT-BB [email protected]:
BIRDS-1 constellation of five CubeSats deployed from ISS https://amsat-uk.org/2017/07/07/birds-1-cubesats-deployed/
ARISS SSTV Commemorative Activity https://amsat-uk.org/2017/06/21/ariss-sstv-commemorative-activity/
Sisters planning solar eclipse APRS balloon http://www.southgatearc.org/news/2017/june/sisters-planning-solar-eclipse- balloon.htm
Book now for AMSAT-UK International Space Colloquium Milton Keynes October 14-15 https://amsat-uk.org/colloquium/
Trevor M5AKA
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