You know Tim. You are one of those people that get under some of our skins. If you read "all" of my email, you note I stated that the FT-817 worked fine under HRD. So I do take offense at your comments. Both radios work fine under HRD. I'm started to play with SatPC32 and since its radio setups are not quite as intuit as others, I have found that the SQF files are why I am having some of the problems. The German error message is obviously a problem with SatPC32ISS and looks to be some sort of memory problem but can't read German. I have to use Task Manager to close it.
I feel your pain as I have been unemployed for 27 months. A simple comment of "it sounds like an SQF file problem" would have suffice.
Reid, W4UPD
Tim - N3TL wrote:
Hey Reid,
I mean no offense, but either there's some kind of operator error going on in your shack, or the CAT plug in your FT-817 may be dead. I'm using SatPC 32 - unregistered - with two ft-817s. I had also used it with at FT-857D, but the CAT plug on it dies right after Field Day.
Do you have Ham Radio Deluxe installed - or any other program that uses the CAT plug to send data to the FT-817? If so, is your connection there still working? If not, it's the radio. I'm told there is a tiny fuse of some sort inside the Yaesu radios just behind the CAT plug that can blow. That appears to be what happened to my 857. I haven't had it repaired yet because I've been unemployed for 13 months.
Other things to check:
Do you have the CAT parameters set the same for both radios? To programs like SatPC and HRD, they are identical. I know because I've interchanged radio IDs with no problem.
One other thing you can try - IF you have the newest version of SatPC. If you know your CAT plug on the 817 is good, and if you know that the CAT settings are the same for both radios, go into SatPC and create a new profile, which this latest version allows you to do. You can have up to 4.
Erich, the author of SatPC 32, suggested I try that to eliminate some switching issues I was having here, and it worked perfectly.
I hope something in here proves helpful.
Tim - N3TL
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of w4upd Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 12:15 PM To: amsat-bb Subject: [amsat-bb] SatPC32
Having a few issues using SatPC32 and especially Yaesu gear, specifically FT-817 and FT-857. The copy I aa using is not a registered version yet nor have I modified any of the SQF files.
When using on the FT-817, I cannot get any response to the radio. It doesn't appear to follow the doppler corrections being issued by the program. When using the FT-857, the unit appears to semi-work, but it seems to switch between 2 vfos. When using my Icom IC-910, it works fine if I let it go into satellite mode.
If this is just a file editing problem let me know. In general, I'll be using the IC-910 most often but have considered using the 817/857 for portable operation if I can get it to work correctly. I also noticed that the FT-857 has issues with HRD as well, but that's a subject for another time.
Any guesses as to why FT-817 not working or does there need to be some initial file modifications?
Reid, W4UPD