Moving right along here. This morning I discovered my problem with the RX. II 'm using the right SINGLE port, Data2, had 9600 baud selected, but didn't turn on the data mode. Odd thing is the 9100 will RX 1200 baud packet with data mode off, but not 9600. I figured out that I need to select Modem 28 in the DSP2232 for the 9600 baud RX to work. So we will be testing the RX with WiSP on Falconsat3 this evening. I'm also getting a connection error I don't understand when MSPE tries to connect to the 2232. In the meanwhile I'm falling back to running PuTTY to test RX and setup the 2232.
So the remaining issues are the MSPE connection error, and I haven't come up with an idea on how to do the WiSP PTT. I'm running SatPC32, with WiSP for the antenna pointing and doppler tuning. Anyone using this setup have any answers?
73 Jeff kb2m
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] Sent: Friday, November 03, 2017 8:07 PM To: Amsat Subject: [amsat-bb] 9100 AEA DSP2232 WiSP setup
I had some time today to start working on my Pacsat station. Is anyone else trying to setup a 9100, WiSP, DSP2232, and SatPC32 ? I got the setup to rx 1200 baud APRS packets, but can’t rx 9600 baud from Falconsat-3. I’m using an old cable I used to use with a 910, and an FT-847. I have 9600 baud turned on. Anyone else get this to work?
73 Jeff kb2m
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