Well, Im back. I got frustrated sometime back with the lack of progress and bleak looking future for HEO's as well as sniping on this list about HEO's vs. LEO's so I left the list and left AMSAT. Leaving AMSAT was more of an economics issue, I couldn't afford dues. Anyway, times are hard around here and I've had to sell my HF radio so it appears if I'm going to have any radio fun at all, it's going to be with FM LEO's , ARISS and maybe listening for and tracking cubesats. Here's what I've got and what my proposed budget is... I have an older Alinco DJF1T 2 meter HT capable of 5 watts out. I still have my Orbit OR360 TV rotators with homebrew Saebrtrack basic stamp based tracking box plus SatPC32 software I also have some homebrew "cheap yagis", 4 elements on 2 meters and 11 elements on 70cm Some LMR 400 and some RG8U Also have Pacific Monolithics 2.4GHZ downconverter that I'm unsure whether it works. Also have a 12V power supply. I've got a fixed budget capped right around $200.00 I'm thinking I can pick up a new or used 70cm HT and get back on the FM LEO's and I'm talking a "base" setup not portable even though I'd be using HT's. Sound doable or am I missing something? I don't have a preamp for 70cm but maybe if I keep the cable run short I can get by. And please guys, I haven't been here in awhile and I don't know how the bb is getting on but don't turn this into some kind of merits of FM LEO's debate. I can't afford to do anything else right now and this is the only way I can see to remain in the hobby right now and have a little fun if indeed my plan is even feasible in the first place. I'm open to suggestions and advice though. And BTW, what did ever happen to P3E? Is it rotting away somewhere in storage now? Tnx and 73, Michael W4HIJ