Bad news Raydel...
The Cuban's HAM regulation authority forbid us to TX on the "general" Satellite segment of 70cm...
I see a battle with ACS coming... hi hi hi (Do you remember the digital battle, in that we won...)
I will try to search and match some of the recent "future" sats to see in they are in the non-TX slot of 70cm...
If so... there is time to start a war... hi hi hi hi...
El 15/02/13 11:14, N0JY escribió:
Fox-1 will have a 70 cm uplink and 2 meter downlink (U/V). The design should make it as easy to work as a V/U FM satellite, with your handheld antenna and HT setup in mind.
Jerry Buxton N0JY
On 2/15/2013 9:56 AM, Raydel Abreu Espinet wrote:
I have a little question here. Will FOX-1 use 2m uplink? I know the current preferred band for many future satellite is 70cm due to the low interference possibilities, but for low budget partial homebrew stations a 2m FM Uplink is a great news, so just checking, will be there a 2m FM uplink on currently planned satellites?
Thanks and 73,
Raydel, CM2ESP, El83sc.
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