Hi Eric!
I just thought of kind of a neat product for those of us that work sats. Has anyone seen anything similar? I have an ft-817 which has a cat interface and will operate both ssb and fm. Has anyone seen a little box that would adjust the radio frequency for both uplink and downlink while displaying azmuth and elevation data? It seems that it would be handy to have the frequency control take care of itself while providing data as to where I should point the arrow. What do those reading this idea think of it? It would seem to me to be quite useful especially for ssb.
I'd like something like that. Barring that, I will use a small laptop with the Yaesu CAT cables (I'm using 2 FT-817NDs) and run SatPC32 or some other software to do the radio control. In the field or at hamfests, it would be a lot easier to have computer control of the frequencies - and show those not familiar with non-FM satellite operation how it can be done.
Back to printing QSL cards...
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/