I for one welcome it, I do not believe that it is some right to say anything you want whenever you want.
But here is the beautiful thing, If you really dislike it that much and find it totally unacceptable then you do have the right for you to form your own BB and allow whatever rules you see fit and I wish you well in your endeavors.
73 Kevin WA6FWF
On 1/14/2010 1:59 PM, Jack K. wrote:
Censorship in any form without external control is unacceptable... I suspect some with thinner skins than others will find it a convenient screen to hide behind operating under the guise of "cleaning up the BB... All that was needed was that if you didn't like it delete it. To adopt something like this puts you all in the "god" seat. I assume any talk of a HEO is not entertained (Sorry that is a joke).