Good day,
A general announcement to the AMSAT community!
Prof. Robert "Bob" Twiggs KE6QMD and Dr. Aaron Zucherman KM6CHY (a former student of his) are working on gathering and publishing a series on the history of the creation and adoption of the CubeSat, including its direct SmallSat forebears (AMSAT, WeberSat, OPAL, etc.) and educational picosat successors (CanSats, PocketQubes and ThinSats). While outstanding technical accounts have been written on the subject, we plan on focusing on the underreported human stories and drama during this early history.
You can see our announcement here: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bob-twiggs-b6163125_cubesat-smallsat-smallsat...
The project was also mentioned in Aviation Week: https://aviationweek.com/aerospace/commercial-space/cubesats-how-accidental-...
We specifically wanted to reach out to the AMSAT community to find those who worked on the early educational smallsat missions and AMSAT members who were mentors to many of the earliest (pre-2010) CubeSat mission teams. However, if you feel you have something else to contribute to CubeSat's history, we want to hear about it!
A list of missions we are hoping to find AMSAT members from includes:
- WeberSAT (Weber-OSCAR 18, WO-18, Microsat-3) - OPAL (OPAL-OSCAR 38, OO-38, StenSat,) - JAWSAT (Weber-OSCAR 39, WO-39) - SSETI-Express (XO-53, eXpress-OSCAR 53) - CUTE-1 (CO-55, CubeSat-OSCAR 55) - CUTE-1.7 (CO-56, CubeSat-OSCAR 56) - CUBESAT XI-IV (CO-57, CubeSat-OSCAR 57) - CUBESAT XI-V (CO-58, CubeSat-OSCAR 58) - Delfi-C3 (DO 64, Delfi-OSCAR 64)
Please feel free to contact [email protected] if you are interested in contributing.
Thank you, and Happy New Year! *Aaron Zucherman, PhD (KM6CHY)* E: [email protected] P: 8054059205