I'm pretty active on the amateur radio forum on Reddit [1] and last night I posted about the upcoming ISS contacts this week [2). This morning someone must have been reminded of me by that post and they sent me this private message:
"Hey quick question on working SO-50 and other birds - I have a Baofeng UV-5R right now and want to get a second for satellite work. What am I looking for in a second HT since I already have a cheap one and which would I use for TX/RX? Thanks!"
Patrick in particular, I know you have done a lot of testing with the Chinese Radios, at least for AO-85, can you advise what this ham should get and which one to use for up/down to work SO-50 in addition to what they already have? I assume the purpose is to work full-duplex.
73, John KG4AKV
1) https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/ 2) https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/49ajui/iss_school_contacts_tu...