"I really enjoyed Clint’s presentation last night. The fact that he had taken the time to research and know something about his audience and welcomed interaction made it very informative and enjoyable. This was a refreshing change from many canned YouTube presentations I’ve tried to watch, which were poorly done, fuzzy video or muddy audio, or a badly prepared presenter stumbling his way through, with any valuable info lost along the way. Thanks for hooking this one up.”
Think a 90-minute informative and FUN Zoom presentation on getting started working the ham satellites would be appropriate for your club?
"Thank you for the very informative presentation ... You have convinced me to try working satellites!”
Well, no “arm-twisting” occurs (g).
Dates currently lined up for New Hampshire and Central California. Let me know if YOUR club may be interested!
Clint Bradford K6LCS AMSAT Ambassador; ARRL instructor http://www.work-sat.com Email: clintbradford AT mac DOT com (909) 999-SATS (7287) - voicemail/message