Congratulations to the Control Team N8MH KO4MA and WA6FWF for their efforts to revive AO-51. This weekend was to be very active since some were planning grid expeditions. Not having AO-51 available would have impacted those efforts.
This morning on the 1311z pass, Kerry WC7V was operating portable from DN46 and DN56 and Chris KC0YBM was in EN24. All of these are rare grids. It was great to hear them operating for our benefit. Thank you Kerry and Chris!
The radio that Chris uses for satellites requires 120VAC power so he purchased a 400w inverter that would allow him to take his radio on the road! He may operate in EN25 next!
If you haven't tried operating portable away from home, please consider doing so. It is a lot of fun and others will appreciate the effort you make to do it.
73, John K8YSE