Because of Doppler shift, logging exact frequencies is kind of pointless. Just note which band and mode (fm, ssb, etc) was in use for both uplink and downlink, and you should be fine. Note that some call out the band letter (v for 2 meters), some use wavelength (e.g. 2 meters), and some the general frequency (145 mhz). I've seen QSL cards done each way.
Also, if you don't like any of the QSL cards that are orderable by mail, you can make your own with any number of PC graphics applications. Mine are done in Powerpoint (OpenOffice), and printed on card stock.
Greg KO6TH
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2010 19:41:07 -0700 Subject: [amsat-bb] Logging Frequencies
A quick question. I've been on the birds about a week now and have started keeping a log and breaking out the QSL cards. So what do enter for the frequency? The uplink or downlink or both? Or nothing since the frequencies are well known (at least on the FM birds).
Thank in advance for the answers. Also thank to all who've worked me the past week. It's been fun.
Clear Skies
Rick Tejera Editor SACnews, Public Outreach Coordinator Saguaro Astronomy Club Phoenix, Arizona www.saguaroastro.org http://www.saguaroastro.org/ [email protected] K7TEJ
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