Yes, Michelle does a great job. I should point out that the Phase 4 Ground Terminal Development is a separate project from the Cube Quest Challenge project. There are many similarities and the two teams are working closely together to develop compatible systems that will allow the hardware from either project to inter-operate in all respects other than possibly dish size. If successful this could set the standard for future high altitude AMSAT satellites. Since the work on the Cube Quest Challenge by the ASCENT team involves space systems, the release of certain information is restricted by U.S. law. This is one of the reasons very little information is released about satellite hardware and transponders as work progress'. The ground terminal will not be used in space so there is no problem talking more freely about it. If you follow what is happening on he ground terminal you can get a pretty good idea of what the transponders will be like.
- Howie AB2s
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 10:01:17 -0600 Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] 13 CubeSats Make the Grade for NASA SLS Mission
... Members of the AMSAT - ASCENT team are designing the communications package which will be 5.6 GHz uplink and 10.5 GHz. downlink and will use digital modulation.
Information about the current state of the microwave links and digital modulation is regularly released by the Ground Terminal Team. They post their video links on the AMSAT-NA Facebook group. It is also relayed by the AMSAT News Service.
A summary of their messages and links to previously released video updates is posted at:
Update on AMSAT Phase 4 Ground Terminal Development
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected]
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