Hi John my reply was in no way a critique of the article I just thought it should not specifically refer to one particular single channel bird but to all. Of course reference could be made to AO51 as a particularly bad example but so far as I am concerned they are as bad as each other in one way or another. By the way I am a regular on all of the birds single channel or linear ,for example 26 countries/4 continents worked on A16 and about 100 callsigns.Regards Robert G8ATE > Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:51:48 -0400> From: KB2HSH@amsat.org> To: amsat-bb@amsat.org> Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Courteous AO-51 Operation> > Good Afternoon, all...> > Robert, I think the main point that Ben is trying to make with these> "friendly suggestions" is civility. Love the single-channel FM satellites> or not, they are a fact of life throughout AMSAT. And AO-51 is arguably the> worst as far as manners and good operating procedures are concerned. This> doesn't mean that it doesn't happen on other single-channel birds.> > Consider this: You are trying to give a demo to a group that's interested> in satellite-based Amateur Radio. You do your best to convey ease of use,> technical skill and accomplishment, and the fact that satellite hams in> general are a great bunch of guys...etc etc etc. Then, you tune into AO-51> for the demo...and you hear "the Zoo".> > Some of it is just common sense...like using headphones...not using too much> power (we ALL know at least one person that does), but Ben worded some of> the suggestions to try to "level the field", and help to make it more fair> for everyone.> > As our fleet gets older, and more satellites become non-operational...and> more Amateurs enter the ranks, the FM satellites will undoubtedly get worse,> more crowded, etc. As this becomes reality, there are 3 routes to take to> solve the "problem": A) Move to the Linear Satellites...B) Build more FM> Satellites (which some will absolutely HATE)...or C) Learn to become a more> efficient operator and get along with each other.> > Sadly, though...I have a feeling that this will reignite the Linear Vs. FM> debate.> > > John KB2HSH> > > > > -- > _______________________________> > > John Marranca, Jr> PBX Technician/Shop Steward CWA Local 1122> BN Systems, Inc> Orchard Park, NY> (716)972-2006> _______________________________________________> Sent via AMSAT-BB@amsat.org. Opinions expressed are those of the author.> Not an AMSAT-NA member? Join now to support the amateur satellite program!> Subscription settings: http://amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb _________________________________________________________________ Who's friends with who and co-starred in what? http://www.searchgamesbox.com/celebrityseparation.shtml